Thursday, October 8, 2009

A few random thoughts...

I love Fall! It is probably my favorite season! I love watching the leaves change, the crispness of the air, wearing my fall clothes...but the high today in Beaumont was 90!!! Seriously! Someone needs to tell Beaumont Texas that it is October, not August! For all of my friends in PA, enjoy a little bit of the Fall weather for me!

A few weeks ago I bought DVD players for the car...the kind that go on the headrests. The kids love them and it makes traveling so much easier. We went to Sea World this past weekend, and when I went out to the car Saturday morning, the back window had been shattered and the DVD players had been stolen. We are the kind of people that are probably too trusting of everyone else...we just never think that those things will happen to us. Well, now we know, it can happen to us! It was so frustrating trying to get all of the glass out of Annie's carseat and having to wait until Monday to get a new window. We still enjoyed our trip and Annie absolutely loved Sea World. On Monday we ate at Chick-fil-A before we left San Antonio, and I met a couple whose car had been stolen out of their driveway a month ago! The car was recovered, but everything was stolen...the carseats, the stroller, everything that was worth stealing! That made me realize my DVD players were not that big of a deal!

Finally, here are a couple of recent pictures of the kids. They are changing so fast!

Cason...cutie pie! little sweetheart!


  1. I was thinking this morning how much I LOVE fall in PA!!! It's so perfect in every way. But, Lord willing, this will be our last fall here. It's so sad, but for good reasons. We'll be sweating to death with you next winter! ;) Hello, and welcome to blog land!

  2. It's about time! :) I"m so glad you finally started this!! Now I'll be able to really "watch" your children grown up and feel like I know what's going on with you!
    Sorry about the break-in...that's terrible!!

    Your kids are BEAUTIFUL!!! Hope you're doing well...I miss you like crazy!

  3. Your kids are precious! While reading your post I was thinking I should get a DVD player for my trip to San Antonio in a couple if weeks. But then I read what happened to you! That's awful! Welcome back to Texas, huh?

  4. Glad to see your blog!! Cason and Annie are precious, growing up fast! Sorry about your car and DVD player. I too am too trusting of people. Glad you're back in Texas!! Tell Chris hello!
