Friday, November 13, 2009

Wonderful weekend

Last Saturday we went to see my parents at "the farm" in east Texas. My grandmother was raised there, and my mom inherited some of the land after my grandmother passed away. We always enjoy being out there, and now it is nice to be able to share it with our children. It seemed to be just what Chris and I needed after a somewhat stressful week. There is just something about being there that allows you to slow down, take a breath, and relax. Here are a few pictures from our day at the farm.

Grandpa and MaMal with the kiddos

Grandpa and Annie

On Sunday we drove to Houston to meet up with our Pennsylvania friends The Luttrells. They moved to PA about 6 months after we moved there, and now they are moving back to Houston about 6 months after we moved to Beaumont. We only lived in PA for about 18 months together, but we became very close friends. Natalie and Annie are exactly a month and a day apart in age, and Owen and Cason are exactly 5 weeks apart in age. Landon spent part of his childhood in Midland, and knows many of the people we know in Midland. It's a small world! We are soooo excited that they are moving to Houston, and will be less than 2 hours away from us! Annie and Natalie are best buddies, and miss each other terribly. The girls were so excited to see each other! We got to see their new house in Katy and eat dinner with them. The guys watched the boys and Kristin and I took the girls to see the broadway production of Mary Poppins, which Annie was tremendously excited about! Mary Poppins is her very favorite movie...she asks to watch it almost every day! She knows all the songs and even recites some of the lines of the movie. Anyway, as we were sitting there watching it, I overhear Natalie tell Annie, "I love you Annie." and Annie said, "I love you too Natalie." Natalie said, "You are my best friend." Then they hugged. What a special moment, and what a precious friendship. I was so mad at myself because I left my camera in the diaper bag with Chris, so I don't have any pictures, but we have lots of fun memories. Here is a picture from this summer when they came to visit us in Beaumont and we went to an alligator farm. No, I am not kidding, and if you come to visit us we will take you there too!

Notice all of the kids are staring at the alligator...I'm not sure if they know it's not real!

Monday morning is Annie's dance class. Although we had a busy and exhausting weekend, Annie wouldn't dare miss dance matter how tired she is! This was "parent week" at the dance studio, so I stayed and watched her to see what all she has learned. She loves going to class, and would love it if she could go every day! Here are a few pictures:

ballett - dancing with ribbons

tap - Annie leading the group

acrobatics - doing the crab walk

Finally, to end my long post...

Go Cowboys!!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my word MC, your kids are SOOO cute! I just want to hug that little Cason! ANd I LOVE the first picture of you and Cason together. You are as beautiful as always! So glad you have a blog now! Miss you like crazy!
